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3 Challenges faced by a Technical Writer and How to overcome them?

1. Last-minute changes to the product.

Technical writers can be caught out by last-minute changes to the product. They have written all their documentation and then, right before publication, the development team announces they’re shipping several new features that weren’t included in the original scope. You have to revise your documentation in light of the new changes.

  1. Solution: Always leave extra time to incorporate the new changes in your technical writing. Remember that your documentation is never “done”, and changes will come as less of a shock. Work closely with the engineering team from the very beginning so last-minute changes are less likely to come.

2. Lack of Information about product users.

When writing your technical content, you need to have a clear idea of who your users are to be able to write effective content. You need to know their age, location, job status, and more. You need to get to know your users as deeply as possible in order to tailor your documentation to their needs.

  1. Solution: Conduct user interviews to find out more about your customers. Collaborate with the marketing team to share their user personas and use them as a baseline for your technical documentation. Work closely with customer support to get an idea of the questions that users are really asking, and tailor your document to reflect the most common user queries.

3. Gathering information from Subject Matter Experts (SME).

A big part of a technical writer’s job is gathering information from SMEs. You will be responsible for conducting interviews, reviewing content, and publishing the thoughts of these valuable coworkers. SMEs are busy people, and they may not have the time to get back to you when you’re asking for their input. It’s not a good idea to ask for contributions at the last minute and expect a quality contribution.

  1. Solution: Network with SMEs outside of when you need their help. Stop by their desk for a chat and find out what their job entails. Then, when the time comes to ask for their input, you will be able to put in the background work needed to successfully solicit a contribution.

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