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Here Are 7 Deadly Sins Of Technical Communication

It is common for technical communication to fail. The seven deadly sins create the worst of these behaviors. There are so many other sins (and other people's mistakes) that there is no assurance. Avoiding these blunders reduces the risk of miscommunication.



Try to keep it to a bare minimum, but not less. Avoid telegraphic sentences and keep "the" and "that." Sometimes extra words are needed to help readers understand. Complex ideas need more words than simple ones. Trimming fat without sacrificing meat is possible.


Consider what readers need to know before you start. Poll your readers. Firstly, provide context. Never assume readers will find a hidden tool. Never request an address lookup. Why not spare them time by clarifying everything they need to know?


Don't jam too much into one sentence or paragraph. One major topic per paragraph and one supporting subject per phrase is a good starting point. Why do even expert readers have to work so hard? Also, limit acronyms. This is particularly problematic in technical writing, where three-letter acronyms obfuscate the language (TLAs).


Sexist language offends and excludes. Gender-neutral language is easy to learn and second nature. Using imperative sentences and the second-person "you" in product descriptions avoid numerous complications, and using the plural when details are needed eliminates many problems.

Our audience is getting increasingly international; therefore, we must ensure that our content reaches beyond English-speaking readers' needs. Translate and use clear, consistent language wherever feasible. Ignore culture. Find simple explanations for phrasal verbs. Spend more effort on details than on a domestic audience.

Unthoughtful Reuse

Single-sourcing can be great. Surprisingly, not always. Have you checked each reused word and image for accuracy? This may be tough when learning to write for reuse. Even if you've mastered this skill, you might provide the wrong data from a text library or database. (You'd be surprised how easy it is to make a menu mistake.) Maybe. This is particularly relevant if information identification and access terminology are inadequate. Someone must constantly ensure that repurposed items work in their new surroundings.

Untested Instructions

Interfaces and functionality change throughout development. Have you verified whether the old descriptors still apply? This works best if you follow the directions exactly—not what you think or want them to say. If Dante were living today, he'd establish a circle of Hell for engineers who don't use their own products and technical communicators who don't follow their own instructions.

Prioritizing Esthetic Above Audience

Writing repetitive product descriptions and looking at the same readable fonts may be tiring. This doesn't mean you should embrace your inner artist and create meaningless art. I've returned books because the typeface made my eyes bleed. If you want to be unique, start a blog and tease its readers with unusual choices. Keep technical communication simple, clear, and tried-and-true.


Quit sinning!

These fatal sins drive your audience to hell more than you. We shouldn't add to people's fears. Enhance!

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