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What is Kubernetes and how does it work?

Kubernetes is a system that maintains containers, which are also known as containerized applications. A container is like a lightweight virtual machine and is managed by Kubernetes. In order to create an application, you will first need to create several containers, and then you will need to utilize Kubernetes to manage those containers. Although this may sound like a highly challenging and time-consuming task, the benefit is that Kubernetes can automatically generate, scale, and manage storage for all the containers. This eliminates the need for manual intervention.

Imagine that you are working to establish a new business. To successfully run a business, you need several different departments, like a CFO, a call center, an engineering group, advertising, marketing, and so on. Consider each of these things as a unique kind of container. Therefore, Kubernetes maintains a file that contains a description of each container as well as how each container interacts with the others: The sales department collaborates with the marketing department, while the marketing department communicates with the engineering department. After that, you instruct Kubernetes to carry out the operation, hire all the “containers,” and if any of the containers fails, Kubernetes will resume it and try again.

That is a simple definition of Kubernetes.

Kubernetes has the following Features:

· Automates a variety of tasks that were previously performed manually. For example, Kubernetes can decide whether servers would host a container, how that will be started, and other similar details.

· Kubernetes is capable of handling more than one cluster at the very same time since it can interact with multiple groups of containers.

· Offers supplementary services: in addition to the administration of containers, Kubernetes provides services in the areas of security, networking, and storage.

· Self-monitoring: Kubernetes examines the health of the nodes and containers frequently and independently.

· Horizontal scaling: Kubernetes not only enables you to scale resources vertically but it also enables you to scale them horizontally in an easy and efficient manner.

· Kubernetes’s storage orchestration consists of mounting and adding the storage solution of your choosing in order to run applications.

· Automatically populates rollouts and reversals: if something goes wrong after you make the change to your application, Kubernetes can restore for you automatically.

· Kubernetes constantly know where and how to place containers since it calculates the “optimal location” for them. This allows it to perform container balancing.

· Operate all over Kubernetes is an open-source solution that provides you the ability to make use of on-premises, hybrid, or cloud service infrastructures, allowing you to transfer workloads to any place you desire. This flexibility is made possible by the fact that Kubernetes is free to use.

Kubernetes offers the following Advantages to Companies:

· Manage and streamline the process of updating and deployments.

· You may cut costs and optimize infrastructure by making better use of your hardware, which will allow you to save money.

· Containers can be orchestrated over several hosts.

· By arranging the containers in “pods,” you may eliminate a significant number of the frequent issues that are caused by the abundance of containers.

· Real-time scalability of resources and application infrastructures

· Examination and self-correction of software programs.

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