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What’s an API Documentation and its benefits?

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

The API abbreviation stands for ‘Application Programming Interface.’

What does API do?

It allows two different software applications to interact with each other using the application programming interface, These applications can effortlessly exchange data in a reliable manner.

How does API work?

  1. An application first sends a request to use the functionality.

  2. The receiving application performs all the work and in the end,

  3. returns a response.

What is API Documentation?

It is an instruction-based document on how to effectively use a Software API, Web API, or Hardware (SCPIs).

Its a sort of Software Documentation that explains:

  1. What the API can do for me?

  2. What service does it offer and what work can it do for my application?

  3. How to connect to the API?

  4. How to authenticate, once connected to the API?

Who is responsible for creating API and API Documentation?

The developer is who creates the API and explains how the API works and what it is for its target audience of software developers. Wherein technical writers are a part of the developers’ team and not developers and focus on writing the API documentation.

What are the benefits of using API?

The application can gain immediate access to software modules and their purpose that is already developed by another application. This way you can leverage and re-use the existing functionality from another application in the context of your own app, this allows you to offer more purpose to your customers.

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