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The Way Our Brain Reacts To Stress

When we are under a lot of stress, both our bodies and thoughts suffer. Stress has been demonstrated to have a wide range of effects on the brain, ranging from creating mental disorders to shrinking the brain's size.

  • Chronic stress may aggravate mental health problems.

  • The structure of the brain changes as a result of stress.

  • Stress may cause the brain to shrink in size.

  • Stress has an impact on memory.

Techniques For Self-Calming and Stress Relief

Developing a Mindful Attitude

A mental state is obtained through paying attention to and accepting one's emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations in the present moment.

Several studies have demonstrated that daily physical and mental exercise has a significant influence on health and well-being, particularly as a stress reliever. Recent research has revealed that it is helpful to strengthen muscles and produce enzymes that detoxify substances called kynurenine, which is also a result of stress and inflammation.

According to Professor Gabriele Oettingen, success requires more than simply optimistic thinking (a German Psychologist at New York University). Instead of making us feel better, thinking about what we want to happen is counterproductive since it makes us less likely to act on it. She suggested a mental comparison approach called Wish, Outcome, Obstacles, and Plan (WOOP). Close your eyes and visualize your desired outcome, as well as the hurdles that stand in your way, before visualizing a method to get there.

Several studies have shown that what we eat or our diet has a substantial impact on our mood. Similarly, experts such as Adult Psychiatrist Joseph Rhibblen have linked stress with inflammation. Stress may be alleviated by increasing consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, which may be found in foods like chia and flax seeds, as well as in tiny quantities in fish.

Various Ways Of Relaxing

Meditation, yoga, guided imagery, deep breathing techniques, and progressive muscle relaxation are some of the most effective methods to relax and de-stress.

Psychologists emphasize and support the need for self-care and self-nurturing. We nurture ourselves when we take care of our own health and cleanliness (psychologically and physiologically). You may, for example, schedule a vacation, get a massage, spend time with pets, withdraw from devices for a few days, do something you've always wanted to do, or create a list of short and long-term goals.

Seek Help

Despite our best attempts to relieve stress, we may not be able to entirely relax or feel at peace, and that constant sensation of pressure and overload will remain. It should be clear by now that you need the services of a professional. When you first hear this, you may think it's unusual or it won't sink in since asking for help has traditionally been frowned upon as a sign of being reliant, judgemental, and so on. In reality, it's a display of courage rather than weakness. If we can't manage our stress on our own, we should seek professional help.

Planning Out Your Time

The capacity to efficiently manage one's time is crucial for stress reduction on several levels. Setting aside time for different tasks and activities is a critical component of time management.

Making Sure You Sleep

When you don't get enough sleep or your sleep pattern is disrupted, you become more vulnerable to stress. A good night's sleep is seven hours.

Stay Clear of Alcohol and Other Drugs

When it comes to stress response dampening, multiple studies have shown that consuming alcohol may reduce the magnitude of an organism's response to stress (SRD). Researchers were surprised to discover that the link between alcohol and stress was inconsistent, and subsequent studies revealed that alcohol did not affect any stress response but instead showed an increased level of dependency, agitation, mood swings, and irregular sleep patterns, which can affect an individual more intensely when they are already stressed.

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