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When to Get Help?

Everyone, at some point in their lives, will endure unimaginable anguish, excruciating agony, and excruciating pain. This is an unavoidable aspect of the human experience. At the same time, it is possible for each one of us to discover a solution to the issues that we are facing. However, there are instances when it might become impossible for us to work through our problems on our own. When something like this occurs, it is imperative that we look for assistance, whether it comes from those we care about or from experienced specialists. We have to keep in mind that it is in our nature to go to others from time to time for support and direction since, after all, we are social creatures. It is inherent to our species, the human race, to be dependent on one another.

There are, without a doubt, a variety of factors that contribute to our failure to seek assistance for issues relating to our mental health. Despite the fact that it is believed that more than 150 million individuals suffer from some sort of mental illness, there is still a substantial lack of understanding about the normality and prevalence of mental illness in our society. There is a stigma associated with getting care for emotional discomfort since it is seen as a sign of weakness or laziness, and this perception contributes to the stigma.

In addition, there are instances when it might be difficult to determine whether or not it is the appropriate moment to seek help. There is a good chance that many of us do not know our own emotional states well enough to be able to determine when it is necessary to seek the assistance of a professional. If this is your situation, there are a few symptoms that suggest it's time to make an appointment with a therapist, including the following:

Mood Swings that are Out of the Ordinary

Anxiety, depression, or lethargy that cannot be explained or controlled may be a sign that something is really wrong. It is possible that you seek the assistance of a trained expert if you are subject to erratic shifts in your mood that cannot be attributed to any clearly discernible cause.

Alterations in the Way your Biological System Works

The state of one's mental health and physical health are inextricably intertwined with one another. When a person is dealing with issues related to their mental health, their bodily processes are nearly invariably disrupted. Be on the lookout for any abrupt shifts in your normal patterns of sleep, appetite, or sexual drive, as well as changes in your level of energy.

Excessive Use of Drugs, Food, or Sexual Activity

If you find yourself resorting to any form of drug or even food in an effort to change your mood, it may be a sign that your coping skills need some work and that you should focus on developing those abilities. If you are unable to change this behavior, despite the fact that it is causing negative effects on your life, you may eventually develop an addiction. It is essential to find a solution to such a problem before anything like that occurs.

When you go Through a Significant Transition

Significant unease may be brought on by any form of change, regardless of how large or how small it is. It might be the loss of a loved one, the strain of relocating to a new place, the anxiety brought on by the beginning of a new romantic relationship, or any number of other things. Change is always difficult because it demands us to adjust to a new reality and to connect in a different manner to both ourselves and the rest of the world. A shift of this magnitude may also create significant emotional discomfort, and it is absolutely acceptable to seek assistance when dealing with this issue.

When Something Horrific Occurs

People who, as children, were subjected to abuse or neglect, who as adults experienced serious trauma or chronic disease, or who were victims of crime or accidents, are more likely to struggle with mental health issues. If you believe that you have been through a traumatic situation, it is in your best interest to look for professional assistance so that you may discover the most helpful strategies to deal with the challenges you are facing.

You No Longer Engage in Formerly Pleasurable Activities

In most cases, this is a sign that some aspect of the situation has shifted. It's possible that a traumatic event has begun to interfere with your ability to participate in activities or hobbies that you formerly enjoyed. If this is the case, now is an excellent moment to look for assistance since a shift of this kind is often the beginning of a downward spiral that will make it more difficult to reach out to others over time.


The reality is that we can feel better with the aid of a professional, despite the fact that all of these things make us feel as if we will never feel better. A therapist may assist you in developing strategies that are more appropriate, healthy, and productive for addressing the challenges you are facing. There are a variety of treatment options available, some of which include medication, talk therapy, or a mix of the two. In some instances, a combination of the two provides the best results. It is up to you at all times to look for the sort of assistance that you believe would be most beneficial to you. In addition to this, it is always feasible to make adjustments to it if you believe that your requirements have shifted.

The best way to cope with a challenging situation is to have an open mind, experiment with new and varied ways of coping, and acknowledge that while it may be challenging, it is not impossible to address the problem. You always have access to professional assistance if you find that you need it, and you are free to investigate that possibility as well.

Talking about things that are tough and upsetting is, without a question, one of the most challenging aspects of the healing process; nonetheless, it is also the first step. If we give ourselves a chance, it is always possible to heal and to go on, regardless of what we are going through or what others are going through around us.

Getting Help Is OK

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